Surbhi Bareek candy Saunf


Surbhi bareek candy is very taste and delicious product. It is color full candy.It has ingredients multyi color,sugar, natural sonf , peppermints, etc. Surbhi bareek candy seem like tinimini sonf. It use for mouth freshener. Uncountable pills in 200 grams. Kid likes surbhi barrek candy.
SKU: N/A Category:


Surbhi bareek candy is very taste and delicious product. It is color full candy. It has ingredients multyi color,sugar, natural sonf, peppermints, etc. Surbhi bareek candy seem like tinimini sonf. It use for mouth freshener. Uncountable pills in 200 grams. Kid likes surbhi barrek candy.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Weight available

0.5 Kg, 1 Kg, 100gm